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  • Writer's pictureGreen Speak Ltd

Simplifying Sustainability - Small Steps / Big Impact

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Our marketing approach revolves around simplicity - helping businesses to talk about easy changes they're making towards reducing their environmental impact. We're also keen to bin (recycle..) the jargon, providing straight-talk solutions for businesses on a greener path. Great for your business and great for your suppliers, customers and contacts who want to understand how sustainable your business is.

One of the biggest hurdles to get over when you're considering sustainable business is the idea that you have to be doing incredibly flashy, amazing things for them to make a difference. As a business, you're probably already taking great steps to reduce your impact - and if you're not or you'd like some inspiration, we've got some easy wins for you.

Refresh Your Marketing

You could go all out and run social media campaigns focusing on the importance of sustainability. However, it's equally as beneficial to showcase your green efforts through easy-to-understand content.

Empower Your Team

If people in your team are hot on sustainability, they'll probably love leading a dedicated team for sustainability ideas. Your green team could be responsible for internal and external idea generation - be sure to give them enough space to share and action those suggestions.

Learning Zone

Do you have a training plan for your employees or an intranet that fosters community spirit? Use these tools to educate employees on the impact of throwaway culture and let them educate you! Is there a keen blogger or writer in your midst? A blog for your website could help your business to talk about sustainable business and give your budding writer credible exposure.

Renewed Energy

With so many comparison sites out there it's a fairly quick win to switch to a green energy deal with straightforward renewable sources. Implement easy energy-saving measures, like heating the building only when needed, LED lightbulbs and get your supplier's feedback too - what do they do to reduce their energy consumption?

Love Where You Work

If you've got a hybrid working arrangement and you want your team to look forward to those office days, there are so many ways to create a more appealing workplace. A simple addition to the office is to add plants for a more aesthetically pleasing, greener office.

Share Your Successes!

As you take simple steps towards a more sustainable business, it's important to talk about the changes you're making and how they're benefiting your business. At Green Speak, we're great at taking your environmentally friendly moves and turning them into engaging simple content. Head to our website to see what we can do for you.

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