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5 Simple Ways UK Businesses Can Be 'Greener' in 2024

Updated: Feb 1

As we step into 2024, it's the perfect time for UK businesses to take a green hop, skip or leap. Going green not only helps the planet, but can also boost your business reputation (more sales!) and even save you a few quid in the long run. So, what are some painless ways to make your business more eco-friendly this year? Let’s break it down!

1. Smart Energy Moves

Kick off your sustainability journey by tackling energy consumption - this is an easy win. Upgrade to LED lights, swap out old appliances for energy-efficient ones (that rusty office microwave doesn't do much for morale either), and take a look at how you heat and cool your space. Pro tip: Consider switching to renewable energy sources – it's a high-five to our planet and aligns with greener business values.

2. Join the Circular Economy

What is a circular economy? It's all about giving things a second (or third) life! Get your team excited about recycling and find creative ways to reuse materials - this depends on how your team works - there are some great ideas in Bitcni's Circular Economy Guide, It’s not just about saving the planet; it's about getting inventive and cutting down on waste, saving you up to £1000 per employee. Win-win!

3. Remote Work and Green Commutes

Embrace the power of working from home, not just for those comfy pyjama days (good for employee well-being), but also to slash those carbon emissions from commuting. If your team does need to pop into the office, encourage biking, walking, or hopping on public transport. Well-established schemes such as the Bike2Work Scheme are instrumental in incentivising greener travel - making the journey to work as eco-friendly as possible!

Handle bars of a bike cycling down a road

4. Supply Chain Love

Show your supply chain some love by choosing suppliers who share your green goals. Think local to cut down on transportation emissions and ensure your suppliers are as committed to sustainability as you are. If you're keen to put an official stamp on it, you could look into ISO14001 accreditation. After all, it's not just about what you do but who you do it with!

5. Shout it From the Rooftops!

Let your customers know about your green efforts! Shout it from the rooftops, or maybe just your social media accounts. Use your marketing magic to showcase your eco-friendly products or services. Educate your customers about the positive impact they can make by choosing the greener option. Even the most brilliant businesses often forget to talk about the fantastic things you do to reduce your environmental footprint - Green Speak Ltd can help to create a strategy that helps you do just that. 

Five people sat at a table in their workplace

In a nutshell, going green doesn’t have to be a corporate headache. It can be as easy as swapping out light bulbs, encouraging your team to get creative with recycling, or proudly shouting about your green achievements. Let’s make 2024 the year your business becomes a sustainability leader – saving the planet, one green move at a time!

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